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Radfahren in Emmendingen

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Excursions & guided tours

Did you know …

…that the gate of Emmendingen was only one of three ancient gates of the city ?

…that the entire long distance trade between Frankfurt  and Basel had to pass the gate of Emmendingen ?

…that travellers had to pay a toll allowing them to pass the gate of Emmendingen for centuries ?

…that the roman numeral MCMXXIX marked above the gate on the right indicates the date of construction of the second arch?

Guided tours for groups

In case you weren’t  aware of this and you would like to learn more about the city of Emmendingen, you are very welcome to join a guided tour of the city.  The Tourist Information Center of Emmendingen suggests:

A guided tour of the city once a month (these tours take place every second Sunday of a month at 11:00 a.m. / meeting point: Tourist Information Center / the tour takes about 90 mn / participation fee € 3,-).

Angela Schmidt-Tull
Telefonnummer: +49 7641 3739

On request we can provide guided tours in English or in French.