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Emmendingen Panorama

ERROR: Content Element with uid "4223" and type "srlanguagemenu_languagemenu" has no rendering definition!

Destinations in the area

Freiburg in Breisgau

A charming and interesting city.

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One of Switzerland’s three largest cities. Basel Zoo, 40 museums, historical center, wide range of cultural events and leisure facilities.

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Visit the beautiful city of Strasbourg and picturesque villages such as Colmar on the other side of the Rhine River. It takes about an hour to get there by car or using public transportation.

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Europa Park

The Europa Park located in Rust is the largest amusement  park in the german speaking countries and attracts over 4.5 million visitors a year. Enjoy unforgettable experiences there all year round.  

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Black Forest National Park

This park is protected and its surface is almost twice as large as the island of Majorque. The main objective of this natural  park is its preservation through the sustainable development of forestry, agriculture, culture and environment, and tourism.

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