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Radfahren in Emmendingen

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Hiking trails

Hiking trails in and around of Emmendingen

We offer all hikers and nature friends a large choice of hiking trails around Emmendingen, in the Breisgau, in the Black Forest and in the Kaiserstuhl, and wish them to enjoy the beautiful landscape of the region as well as its numerous sights.

Vier-Burgen-Weg (the Four Castles Trail)

Kastelburg – Hochburg – Burgruine Landeck – Burgruine Lichteneck
Length: 30 km
Description: please click on the link  «Vier-Burgen-Weg»
It is possible to follow this trail in several stages.

Flyer "Vierburgenweg" including hiking map

„Walderlebnispfad“ : Adventure trail in the forest

The adventure trail in the forest begins at the playground “Vogelsang” and leads to the Eichberg Tower and is about 1.5 km long. At ten different stops along the way you can test your knowledge of the forest and your skills. At the end of the trail “Wieselweg” you will be rewarded with a spectacular view from the top of the Eichberg Tower.

Flyer "Walderlebnispfad Wieselweg" with the map included